March 02, 2007

The $70 question

Hi everyone,

NO the title of this post doesn't mean that you are going to win $70. Sorry!

However, I do have a question for you: What would you expect from me/the church/in general if you had to pay a $70 sign up fee to volunteer as a Sunday Club or Youth Leader.

'What?!' I hear you say. You can relax, I am not going to start doing this. I would like to know though, what you would expect if I did? But, if your first thought was 'I wouldn't be a Sunday Club/Youth Leader if I had to PAY!' then please tell me why (if it's for a theological reason, that you don't think the church should charge volunteers then that's fine - I'm not going to do it.)

Once you've recovered from the initial shock - I'd love to hear what would you expect. Rather, what you do expect or would love/really appreciate as a volunteer for Sunday Club?

Please let me be absolutely clear about this - I am not going to, nor do I ever intend to, charge you to be a volunteer. You all do a marvellous job and it is a blessing to have to partake in this ministry. The purpose of this post is to find out how to better support, equip & help you as you minister to the kids and youth at St Mark's. This question might help both you and I to think differently about the role and it's associated expectations.

The prize you ask? Rather than a one off prize like last week - the prize is that the more suggestions you give the more chance there is that one of them might be something I can implement!! You might just get what you ask for :)

So, the floor is yours. If you want to you can post your suggestion anonymously - all I ask is please post them. You know the saying - help me help you!!!

If you're not a Sunday Club or Youth Leader but have suggestions; things people have done for you as a volunteer, things you've done for your volunteers, or even an idea that you think is great but haven't gotten around to doing then don't be shy - remember the other saying: share and share alike! pretty please ;)

In case you were wondering this questions wasn't my idea. If you want to find out where it comes from check this out.


Alice said...

Well yes my first reaction was "I wouldn't be a sunday club leader!" but mainly due to the fact i don't have $70 rather than the charging thing.

My first question would probably be...why? I do sunday club purely because I believe i have a gift for teaching children, I enjoy it and I get lots of personal growth from doing it. If the church started charging for ministry then i think it would partially become about who could afford to particpate rather than who wants and has the skill to actually do it.

Secondly i'd want to know what it was used for. Seeing as most people are volunteers and the church doesn't normally charge, without knowing the underlying reason for it one might presume the church is just looking for extra areas to bring in the funds. I wouldn't have a problem paying if i knew the funds were being used directly in the ministry i was helping with (eg. class supplies, term activities, administration etc).

Anonymous said...

I think I would be a bit confused if I had to pay $70 to be a volunteer, and would probably assume it was required for some new insurance thing the government was making us do or something.

Of course since that is obviously not the case (and hopefully never will be!), i would expect that the $70 would go towards providing exciting activities for the kids and a safe and happy environment for them to be having Sunday Club in - which I think they have already so really I have no idea where the $70 would go!

I think that basically I would just trust the church to use the money to assist the childrens ministry wherever it is needed, because obviously the church isn't going to go around scamming money off poor students!

I just realised I spent 3 paragraphs and didn't come to any real conclusion but I hope you can find this useful somehow!

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