May 22, 2007

Words of Encouragement

A Reflection on the the inspiring life and works of Henrietta Mears...

"There is no magic in small plans. When I consider my ministry, I think of the world. Anything less than that would not be worthy of Christ nor His will for my life."

There is no magic in small plans. I am convinced that God wants us to think big and plan big. Consider your ministry. Is your focus on the week-to-week routine, on the people problems and headaches, or on the big picture? Those lumps of coal in your classroom are really diamonds in the rough. Those young people that march in and out of your church each weekend can be a marching army in the work of God. That lesson you are preparing for this Sunday might be the one that ignites a flame in the heart of the next Billy Graham or Henrietta Mears. Don't get suckered into thinking small - remember that there is no magic in small plans.

May 17, 2007

A good week?

Hi everyone,

Thanks to those who were able to make it to our first training session on Tuesday night. I welcome your feedback on this session!

To help you keep thinking through you might like to read this artice which adds another perspective on communicating so that kids understand and are changed.

Perhaps this is good opportunity for me to offer another prize to anyone who can find a helpful link and action point for us all, between this article and our session on Tuesday night.

Also, don't forget to pay particular attention this week to the language your kids use and ask those clarifying questions to see what assumed knowledge/language is present in your classes & lessons. This is an exciting opportunity for growing effectiveness & I look forward to hearing your thoughts about it when we reflect together next Tues night!

Hope you all have a wonderful week this week & I'll see you Sunday. We'll pray together at 8.50am in the Lower Lounge.

God Bless,

May 06, 2007

Change of Date

Hi everyone,

Please note a diary change - Weetbix & Worship is no longer happening this Sunday. However, it is Mother's Day on Sunday so you might like to incorporate an appropriate craft or activity into your lesson - perhaps as the warm-up activity?

Some good suggestions can be found here - I quite like the banner idea?

The new Weetbix & Worship date is june 17.

Also a reminder that our first Training Session is happening Tuesday night 7.30-9.30pm. See you then!!

This Week

Hi everyone,

I just want you all to know that I think you are excellent! I reckon we've got an 'A-team' of leaders here at St Mark's -you're doing a great job!!!

With great thanksgiving for your ministry,