June 17, 2007


Hi everyone,

I just wanted to say thank you for being so flexible with the change of plans this morning - I was very impressed with your willingness to go with the flow. It really turned out to be a great opportunity to have the kids in the service. An answer to our prayers this morning!

So thanks for showing once again what a wonderful group of leaders you are!

God Bless,

June 13, 2007

This Sunday

Hey everyone,

How did you go on Sunday? Keen to hear about it so please let me know.

This is just a quick reminder that coming up this week is Weetbix & Worship. It won't change things too much except to make the time you have with the kids a bit shorter as they will stay in the hall longer than usual.

Mark and Alice the change for you will be to keep your kids in for the whole service so you probably want to set up a table for your whole group to sit on together.

If you have any questions let me know - otherwise I'll look forward to seeing you all on Sunday morning!!

God Bless,

June 06, 2007

A Word of Encouragement

Hi everyone

Listening to you guys at Small Group over the past couple of weeks has been reminding me of how stressful exam time can be! I wanted to encourage you with some words from Colossians 3 which I used to always read and remember when exam time (or any kind of study) came round.

I recommend the entire chapter, however these verses stand out the most in this context...

Col 3:17, 23-24

"17And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him; 23Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, 24since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."

Be encouraged that God cares about your study, and when you feel like procrastinating or giving up - remember that he cares more about the work you put in now, than the results you get at the end.

With love,

June 04, 2007

This Sunday

Hi everyone,

Great job yesterday! Thanks for getting here early and being available to pray together before church - it's a great way to start the morning & I'm always so encouraged to see you all there, prepared and ready to serve the kids!

Just a quick note to remind you of a few things coming up this week...

1. Small Group tomorrow night at 7.30pm. We'll be doing our second study on The Lord's Prayer.

2. Wed night - if anyone is interested in attending the Entering the World of Children training please let me know.

3. Next Sunday is the long weekend. Mark and I will be away as will Molly. Amanda will be here and will be the person to see for any issues. As it is the long weekend you might expect numbers to be a bit lower than usual; I already know of a few families who will be away. If you have any questions or need anything from me please feel free to contact me during the week - I'll be working today, Tuesday & Wed.

Have a wonderful week everyone!!


June 03, 2007

Upcoming Training Opportunities

Hi everyone,

There are a few training opportunities that are coming up around Melbourne which may be of interest to you:

This Wed 6th June - 'Entering the World of Children' - presented by Brent Allred who is the Children's Pastor at Crossway Baptist. This is running at St Michael's church in Carlton between 7.30-9.30pm.

Tuesday 19th Jue Using Media in the Classroom - Glen Waverly Anglican Church 7-9.30pm. If you are interested in this one please let me know and perhaps we could go to this as a training session together.

Both of these look interesting to me so please let me know if you would like to go. They are both either free or cost $5 which St Mark's will cover.
