March 14, 2007

Upcoming Training Session

Hi all,

I hope you had a good time last night. I was encouraged to hear that you stuck around after the study finished - that's great!

Our first training session is coming up in a few weeks and I would like to know from you what sort of topics/issues you would like us to cover during these sessions. I don't promise to cover them all straight away but do promise to address them over time and in appropriate ways.

Please let me know what issues would be most helpful for you and I will take it from there :) (If you need suggestions to get you thinking, topics might include - discipline, teaching the Bible creatively, how to help kids pray, how to get group discussions going etc...)

Looking forward to being flooded with suggestions!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Lou,

I would really like to learn/discuss how to teach the bible creatively, how
to help kids pray and how to include fun and pratical activities togteher in
the teaching. Also, when is the date of the first training session? See you


Anonymous said...

I think it'd be really good to learn how to teach the bible to different age groups, because obviously theres a big difference between what 3 year olds and 12 year olds can handle. Even if it might not be immediately relevent to people's Sunday Club groups, I'm sure it'd be useful anyway to know how to cater for all the different age groups when teaching about the bible.